“For more than two thousand years women have carried the stigma of the sexual sins of the world!

While we really always have been bearing the hidden seeds of awakening of consciousness into our own womb!

Its time!

the Divine Mystic Mystery of our temples is ready to birth a new Feminine Awakening here on earth!

To spill into a fertile soil the emerging "womb heart consciousness!” "The Divine Feminine Essence"


“An invitation to embark yourself in a profound, powerful and loving journey!

A deep activation to your intuitive Womb Heart Wisdom.

One with Mother Earth and the Great Cosmic Mother birther of all!

Its now the time to remember and embody the vital feminine power and sacred mystic practices!

Anchoring on earth new practices aligned with the new times”


The Goddess is the Divine Feminine energy linked to the power of the womb as a temple, which when its healed, it is unites it directly with the energy of the heart and with the experience of being the whole, pure conscious Presence

Tantrika Yogini embodiment arts training is designed to take you deep into yourself, into your Sacred Temple, into your Womb, and from that space, begin to embody the Goddess that is ready to blossom from within, making alive the divine power that resides in your mystic temple that will connect you with the forgotten wisdom of the Sacred Feminine linage that transcends your human persona.

Through various powerful ancient practices and tantric rituals, we will re-connect with our Goddess essence, making of this experience a sacred journey to remember, reclaim and own all the magical superpowers that are coming with us life after life!

In the tantric tradition, woman is considered to be very important for the spiritual initiations in relation to the evolution of the practitioner to a higher level of consciousness. The frame of a woman body, her emotions, and her psyque are definitely more suitable to dive through all the mystic unseen/ subtle worlds; being an important agent to activate and awakens the spiritual force, or kundalini.

Besides this, there is another important point that should be understood. An awakened tantrika woman can tap into deeper realms and comes out of it bringing these experiences back with her, seeming that there is no difference between a woman’s inner and outer awareness.

Apart from this, when she awaken to her full potential, her the psychic being is highly charged with spiritual awareness, making her a catalyst to activate others.

Mother earth’s power comes from her womb full of Shakti! (power), her womb is connected to the Cosmic Womb and at the same time to our human Womb! A marvellous triad braided in this web of existence!

When we begin to recognize our power and honour our womb as a portal of Cosmic Power and Gaia's Power, as an extension of the Universal Creatix, we can heal as individuals and at the same time in that healing journey awaken to our maximum expression and sacredness beyond the person's stories, honouring ourselves as a temple of Shakti, recognizing ourselves as an extension of the Divine in our own body = temple = altar!

By connecting deeply/ consciously with PachaMama and the spirits of nature, with her womb/heart through rituals, ceremonies, offerings! We can strengthen those connections!

Through the tangible we can connect to infinity! By embracing this human experience we find the portals! You yourself, your body, the sacred bone structure of your womb and your womb are the most beautiful vessel/ fountain of Goddess essential power that you came here to embody on Earth!

You woman need to know that as long as you continue avoiding your divine expression, your connection to the elements, the connection to your inner waters, to your sexuality, creativity & erotic power; your healing/ expansion/ awakening will be limited, an illusory mental idea, a lower intellect experience!


The invitation is to accept yourself as a Creatrix, Sacred expression of Shakti, Magical extension of the Divine Goddess! anchoring here on earth all the infinite powerful goodness of creation!

The invitation dive, swim, navigate and celebrate your mystic tantric nature & magic knowing, acknowledging yourself as pure Medicine! The most precious nourishing nectar of pure Shakti (power), here on earth ready to awaken consciousnessess!

This journey is and invitation to remember all the awakening magic and medicinal power that you carry with you, linking you back again to your womb and heart consciousness, that moves between dimensions! and that nurtures everything that comes your way!





The time has come, the time to dive freely into the deep waters of our internal oceans that connect us with the divine essence of creation, with our sacred and creative feminine power.

This is an invitation to be a catalyst piece in this new era that we are birthing together, awakening consciousness and activating others just by being on your essential loving power, savouring the nectar of what really is to be alive, embodying life from a way that you never imagined existed.

This journey will give you knowledge about:

  • Goddesses Embodiment Series

  • Shakti Kundalini Yoga Series

  • Mystic Tantric Goddesses Rituals

  • Shakti Breath-Work Series

  • Tantric Meditations

  • Tao Tantric Femininity Series

  • Womb Awakening Series

  • Shakti Flow Embodiment Dance

  • Womb Voice Healing Practices

  • Awakened Sensuality & Sexuality

  • Goddesses Puja Series



Price: 1800 USD + Transfer fees

  • Start date: ON DEMAND

  • 5 days a week

  • Designed to be completed over a period of 8 weeks

  • Classes are pre-recorded

  • The content will be available for 2 month more after the 8 weeks training

  • Group Zoom meetings


  • 100-hours Kundalini Tantra Yoga, accredited by Yoga Alliance

  • 200-hours Tantrika Yogini Embodiment Arts, accredited by International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine (IPHM)

  • 200 - Hrs Tantrika Yogini Embodiment Arts, Certification by Tantra Yoga Retreat








About Jessica Vilches

Born in Chile, Jessica first began her healing journey through psychotherapy at a very young age. Years later, while studying Physical Theatre at the University of Arts UNIACC for two years, her life was forever changed upon her discovery of yoga (1999). From there, her journey continued to unfold with four years of study at the Contemporary Dance College University of Arts & Social Sciences, where she explored the healing power of movement therapies.

She was awarded a degree in Cultural Management from the Catholic University of Chile, which has since empowered her to create and facilitate numerous healing arts & yoga projects, that have greatly improved the realities of vulnerable and underprivileged communities in her home country of Chile.

In 2009 Jessica traveled to India for the first time in this life and felt an immediate kinship with its ancient culture and yoga-based traditions; She knew in her heart that she would soon call India home.

She settled in the holy city of Varanasi, where over the next four years she attended the Benares Hindu University BHU for Yoga and Performing Arts. During her time there, she devoted herself to the absorption and exploration of India’s wealth of ancient wisdom, passionately immersing herself in yoga, Ayurveda, tantra, Indian classical dance, as well as Buddhist vipassana meditation & Indian psychology.

Over the last eleven years, she has facilitated numerous courses and retreats in countries across the globe, including India, Nepal, Thailand, Australia, Bali, Peru, France, Italy, and Switzerland.
